
How to Manually Update Your Nokia Phone to Symbian Anna or Latest Firmware

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Diterbitkan oleh 14 Dec 2021 / In Review A lot of you are still waiting for Nokia to release the Symbian Anna update in your country. If you are impatient, there's a way to do it manually. Here's a video how to do it, as shown on a Nokia N8.


WARNING!!! This voids your warranty and could possibly break your phone. I suggest waiting for the official update if you don't want the risk of breaking your phone!

You'll need two applications: NaviFirm+ and Phoenix Service Software 2011.

NaviFirm can download all the official Nokia firmware files necessary from Nokia's servers. You can grab the latest version from Symbian-Toys.

Phoenix Service Software installs the files you downloaded from NaviFirm to your phone. I found the latest version in GSM-Forum. Just search for "Phoenix Service Software" and download it from the most recent post. The version I have in this video is Phoenix Service Software 2011.24.002.46258.

The latest firmware (as of September 11th, 2011) showed version 24.1, but the firmware looked like it's meant only for Middle East and Africa. I knew for a fact that version 22.1 was Symbian Anna, so that's the firmware I selected for the Nokia N8 in this video.

Let us know in the comments if any of the steps in the video are unclear. Good luck and enjoy Anna!

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